Since graduating college, I figured I can’t use the free planner they handout in the student center for the rest of my life. I was on the hunt for the perfect planner but with it being May there wasn’t any reason to buy a full 2015-2016 planner because half the year was behind us, and I was also very picky. I searched Pinterest and websites for free planner designs and print outs and just wasnt satisfied so, I decided I would make my own! I bought a small, 1in, 3 ring binder, blank planner pages, small, plastic sleeve dividers, some stamps and went at it. I hand stamped all the dates and months on to the pages, this also made it easier to start where I wanted in the year and not be wasteful. I’m old school and while my phone calendar is great, it’s just not the same as writing down my plans or little blurbs that I need to remember.  I also taped together month abbreviations for stamping so it was 1. Faster and 2. More consistent. I was lucky enough to find everything I needed in one stop to Target and the stamp sets were in the $1-3 section! So if you can’t find your “perfect planner” make your own!